
Major causes of stroke

  • What is stroke 

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a portion of your brain is interrupted. Brain cells begin to die in a matter of minutes without oxygen in the blood. Learn about the causes of strokes and the factors that can increase your risk by doing so.

Three primary types is strokes we have are;

  • transient ischemic attack (TIA): A blood clot occurs during a transient ischemic attack (TIA), but it usually dissolves on its own.

  • ischemic stroke: A clot or plaque in the arterial can block an artery, resulting in an ischemic stroke. When compared to TIA symptoms and problems, ischemic stroke symptoms and complications can continue much longer or even become permanent.

  • hemorrhagic stroke: A blood vessel that bursts or leaks into the brain is what causes a hemorrhagic stroke.

signs of a stroke

Brain tissue is harmed when blood flow to it is cut off. The body parts that are under the control of the brain damage exhibit symptoms of a stroke. 

The more quickly a stroke victim receives treatment, the better their prognosis is likely to be. Knowing the symptoms of a stroke will help you act immediately because of this. Among the signs of a stroke are:

  • paralysis
  • Arm, face, or leg numbness or weakness, typically on one side of the body. 
  • difficulty communicating or comprehending others. 
  • muddled speech 
  • Lack of clarity, disorientation, or responsiveness 
  • abrupt behavioral alterations, including increased agitation. 
  • visual issues such double vision, vision that is difficult to see in one or both eyes, or vision that is blurry or blacked out. 
  • difficulty walking 
  • loss of coordination or balance. 
  • dizziness. 
  • Unknown causes lead to a strong, abrupt headache.
  • seizures. 
  • nausea or sickness

Anyone who has had a stroke needs to see a doctor right away. Call the emergency services in your area right away if you believe you or someone else is having a stroke. To avoid the following consequences, prompt treatment is essential: 

harm to the brain 

chronic illness. 


If you believe you have seen the symptoms of a stroke, don't hesitate to seek immediate medical attention because it's best to be extra careful while dealing with a stroke.


Causes of stroke

Some health issues that increase your risk of having a stroke can be treated. Other factors that put you at risk are unchangeable:

increased blood pressure. Your doctor might diagnose it as hypertension. The main reason why strokes occur is this. Your doctor will talk to you about therapies if your usual blood pressure is 130/80 or above. 

Tobacco. You run a higher risk of having a stroke if you smoke or chew it. High blood pressure is caused by nicotine. Your primary neck artery becomes clogged with fat as a result of smoking. Your blood becomes thicker and has a higher chance of clotting as a result. You can still be harmed by passive smoking.

cardiovascular disease. This illness involves faulty cardiac valves as well as atrial fibrillation, or irregular heartbeat, which accounts for 25% of all strokes among the extremely elderly. Fat deposits might also obstruct your arteries. 

Diabetes. People who have it frequently have high blood pressure and are more likely to be overweight. Both increase the risk of a stroke. Your blood arteries are damaged by diabetes, which increases your risk of having a stroke. The damage to your brain is worse if you have a stroke when your blood sugar levels are high.

Fitness and weight. Stroke risk can also be increased by inactivity or a lack of exercise. 
If you are overweight, your risk of having a stroke may increase. By exercising each day, you can lessen your odds. Walk briskly for 30 minutes, or perform pushups and weightlifting exercises to build muscle. 

Medications. The risk of stroke can be increased by some medications. Blood-thinning medications, for example, which doctors advise to prevent blood clots, can occasionally increase the risk of a stroke through bleeding. The use of hormone medication to treat menopause symptoms including hot flashes has been associated in studies to an increased risk of stroke. Additionally, birth control pills' modest doses of estrogen may increase your chances.

Age. Even unborn children are susceptible to strokes. Your chances typically increase as you age. After age 55, they multiply by two per decade. 

Family. Strokes have been linked to genetics. There may be a genetic component to your risk of developing diabetes or high blood pressure. Occasionally, genetic disorders that prevent blood flow to the brain can cause strokes.

Gender. When comparing age-matched men and women, stroke risk is somewhat lower for women. However, women are more likely to experience strokes later in life, which reduces their chances of survival and increases their risk of passing away. 

Race. More than any other demographic in the United States, African-Americans and non-white Hispanic Americans experience strokes. These populations and those whose ancestors originated in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, or Asia are also more likely to suffer from sickle cell disease, a genetic disorder that can restrict arteries and impair blood flow.

Diet The risk of stroke can rise with an imbalanced diet. This kind of diet is abundant in: 

Trans fats, 
saturated fats. 

drinking excessively 

With heavy alcohol consumption, the risk of stroke also rises. 

Drink responsibly if you do. For women, this means a daily limit of one drink and for men, a daily limit of two drinks. 

Blood pressure might rise while drinking excessively. Triglyceride levels can rise as a result, which can lead to atherosclerosis. This is a buildup of plaque in the arteries that makes blood vessels smaller.

How to avoid a stroke

Not all strokes can be avoided by changing one's lifestyle. However, several of these adjustments have the potential to significantly reduce your risk of stroke. 

Among these modifications are the following: 

Stop smoking. If you currently smoke, quitting will reduce your risk of stroke. To develop a quitting strategy, speak with your doctor. 

Drink in moderation. Drinking a lot of alcohol can make you hypertensive, which increases your risk of having a stroke. If cutting back on your intake is challenging, ask your doctor for advice.

maintain a healthy weight. Obesity and excess weight raise the risk of stroke. Eat a balanced diet and exercise frequently to help you manage your weight. Additionally, these actions can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. 

Get routine checkups. Discuss with your doctor how frequently you should undergo tests for your cholesterol, blood pressure, and any other conditions you may have. Additionally, they can give you advice and support as you make these lifestyle adjustments.

All of these actions will help you get in better condition so you can prevent stroke.

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