
How to Use Herbs and Supplements to Treat Ovarian Cysts Safely and Naturally.

Cysts in a woman's ovaries are growths that are filled with fluid. It is possible for one or both ovaries to develop an ovarian cyst. However, occasionally ovarian cysts can grow to such a size that they rupture or harm the ovary. Usually, ovarian cysts are benign and will go away on their own. We will explore the many ovarian cyst kinds, their origins, medical alternatives for ovarian cyst treatment, and natural remedies to maintain normal ovarian health, such as supplements like progesterone cream and DIM, and herbs like maca and vitex.

The reproductive organs may be displaced by extremely big ovarian cysts. An ovarian cyst rupture may result in scar tissue accumulation or the development of adhesions that connect the ovary to other internal organs. 

Ovarian cysts can occasionally form in postmenopausal women, but they do so less frequently. The size and form of a woman's ovaries are similar to those of an almond. It is incredible that something so little and fragile can birth hundreds of eggs. The development of a cyst in something so little is also rather astounding. Fortunately, there are natural therapies that can assist the body in naturally eliminating the cysts without surgery.

Various Types of Ovarian Cyst.

A woman's ovaries are home to thousands of follicles that hold developing eggs (ova). A few follicles are given the go-ahead to grow (mature) for ovulation each month during the menstrual cycle when ovulation approaches. Functional cysts are ovarian cysts that develop when the development of follicles is disrupted. Functional cysts come in two different varieties: 
Read more; 
  • Follicular cyst
  • Corpus luteum cyst
  • Follicular cyst: This develops when the follicle does not burst open upon ovulation to release the egg, but instead grows and develops into a cyst.
  • Corpus luteum cyst: 

After ovulation, when the egg is released, the follicle transforms into what is referred to as the corpus luteum. A corpus luteum cyst forms when the follicle's egg-releasing hole closes off, causing the corpus luteum to fill with fluid and develop into a cyst.

Ovarian Cysts in Other Forms:

However, they are unrelated to the menstrual cycle. Other types of cysts can develop on the ovaries. 

Dermoid cysts ; The complex cysts known as dermoid cyst is originate from the cells that make human eggs. This means that these particular cysts could include skin, teeth, or hair. Cancerous ones are extremely rare. 

Cystadenomas: These cysts grow from ovarian tissue and contain fluids or mucous.


When misplaced endometrial cells attach to the ovary, they expand into an abnormal cyst (endometriosis). A chocolate cyst is the common name for this kind of ovarian cyst. 

The ovary may suffer damage from the aforementioned 3 forms of ovarian cysts, including twisting, the production of scar tissue, and adhesions. The ovary may enlarge and become displaced due to cystadenomas and dermoid cysts. Because they are thought to be more complex, these cysts typically do not react well to natural treatments. It is best to discuss these sorts of cysts with your doctor.

polycystic cysts:

An ovary with polycystic cysts has a surface covered in a row of numerous tiny cysts that resemble a string of pearls. With polycystic ovarian syndrome, one may have polycystic ovaries (PCOS). Ovaries with polycystic ovaries can increase, generally growing to be twice as large as normal ovaries. As a significant endocrine illness in women, PCOS is quickly rising to the top. These kinds of cysts are not present in all PCOS-diagnosed women's ovaries.

What Leads to Ovarian Cysts

  1. irregular menstrual cycles 
  2. hormonal imbalance 
  3. Hypothyroidism 
  4. Smoking cigarettes 
  5. early menstruation (11 years or younger) 
  6. BMI greater than 30 
  7. Multiple, sizable ovarian cysts have been linked to some women's gonadotropin-based infertility treatments. 
  8. It has been demonstrated that using clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) increases the likelihood of Corpus Luteum cyst development. 
  9. Tamoxifen treatment for breast cancer.

Ovarian cyst signs and symptoms 

Because there are often no symptoms or indicators, the majority of women with ovarian cysts are unaware that they even have them. The majority of ovarian cysts are found during a normal medical examination. A cyst's likelihood of causing symptoms increases with its size. Some signs include:

  1. Pelvic pain, commonly on the side with the cyst. Pain may be sudden, severe, or fluctuating throughout the cycle. 
  2. irregular menstrual cycles 
  3. Keeping track of your cycle might help you identify whether you are experiencing anovulatory cycles, which could be an indication of a follicular cyst. 
  4. Pelvic ache following sexual activity or hard exercise
  5. Vomiting and nausea are common side effects following cyst rupture. 
  6. Mid-cycle bleeding that is sporadic and accompanied by pelvic pain 
  7. On one side or the other, there may be pressure or bloating in the abdomen. 
  8. when urinating or having a bowel movement, there is discomfort or pressure in the abdomen. 
  9. Infertility

Note: If you experience severe discomfort, nauseousness, vomiting, or vaginal bleeding at any point throughout your cycle, call your doctor right away.

The diagnosis of ovarian cysts :

If you think you might have an ovarian cyst, your doctor can help you find the right diagnostic procedure for you. Here are some tests that your doctor might carry out: 

Transvaginal ultrasound; 
involves inserting an ultrasound probe into the vagina. External ultrasonography via the abdominal wall has been reported to generate a worse image of ovarian cysts than this type of ultrasound.

laparoscopic surgery; may be used to identify the type of cyst and take a biopsy,.

CT or MRI may be used If there are more questions.

serum CA-125 assay;

To find out if the cyst is malignant, a blood test called the serum CA-125 assay is used. Because uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, and endometriosis can also be detected by increased CA-125 levels, this test is not always reliable.

Medical Options for the Treatment of Ovarian Cysts
 Birth control tablets are the most common medical treatment for functioning ovarian cysts. As a result, no functional ovarian cysts can form because ovulation is prevented. However, using the birth control pill has drawbacks, including the fact that it prevents pregnancy, may result in long-term hormonal imbalance, and does not address the underlying issue.

In a 2011 assessment of eight randomized controlled trials from four different nations by 686 women for the Cochrane Database Syst Rev., it was shown that treatment with combination oral contraceptives did not speed up the clearance of functional ovarian cysts in any trial. This applied to both cysts that formed on their own and those that did so after ovulation stimulation. Most cysts disappeared on their own after a few cycles; persistent cysts tended to be pathogenic rather than physiological (e.g., endometrioma or para-ovarian cyst).

Surgical removal of an ovarian cyst may be the best option if it grows too large, is thought to be more likely to rupture, is complex, has twisted, or has linked to other internal body components. Your doctor will be able to advise you on what your best alternatives are.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment with Natural Therapies

There are highly effective natural methods for treating functioning ovarian cysts. Clearing out and prevention are the two levels at which we choose to tackle things. This manual will teach you how to get rid of extra estrogen and cysts while working to stop new ones from forming. This treatment should only be used before attempting conception because outcomes often appear in 3 months.

 The Advantages of Natural Treatments for Ovarian Cysts 

  1. reduces too much estrogen 
  2. maintains hormonal balance 
  3. decreases cyst formation and size 
  4. less intrusive 
  5. Very efficient 
  6. no negative effects

How to Naturally Treat Ovarian Cysts

Step 1: Lower Estrogen 

One of the most prevalent types of hormonal imbalance that might prevent ovulation is excess estrogen. Stopping exposure to xenohormones and starting DIM supplementation are two of the finest ways to get rid of extra estrogens in the body (diindolylmethane).

Avoid being exposed to estrogens and xenoestrogens 

  • Give up soy products. 
  • Eat only organic dairy products and meats. 
  • Never microwave food in plastic. 
  • Stop consuming water from disposable bottles. 
  • Avoid parabens and mineral oil in skin care products. 
  • Utilize organic detergents.
Step 2: Boost Progesterone and Regulate Hormones

Natural Progesterone 
Progesterone insufficiency is frequently present in conditions where there is an excess of estrogen in the body. Using natural progesterone cream to balance your estrogen and progesterone levels will help you get rid of ovarian cysts and lower your risk of developing them again. Progesterone levels can be raised by using natural progesterone cream. 

Natural progesterone was one of the top therapies for ovarian cysts in Dr. John Lee's opinion. He had his patients apply natural progesterone between days 10 and 26 of the cycle as one of the ways he used it to get rid of ovarian cysts. The body gets "tricked" into believing it is pregnant as a result, which prevents ovulation. Functional ovarian cysts can't develop if ovulation doesn't take place.

It is recommended to use the additional supportive supplements in addition to this brief treatment because it works best in that setting. The natural progesterone protocol mentioned above is designed to aid in the body's elimination of existing ovarian cysts and to stop the growth of brand-new ones so that you can start attempting to conceive in a few months. Remember, if you decide to follow Dr. Lee's natural progesterone treatment for ovarian cysts, you might not ovulate during that period, which means you might not be able to become pregnant. Consider buying Dr. John Lee's book on natural progesterone from his website if you'd want to learn more about how he treats ovarian cysts using natural progesterone cream.

Ovarian Cyst Supportive Herbs 

Now that "cleaning out" has been discussed, let's look at balancing the body to aid in preventing cyst development in the future. Think about starting a herbal regimen to stop the development of ovarian cysts. 

We enjoy using herbs to support the endocrine system's nutrition, hormonal balance, normal ovulation, and healthy blood flow to the reproductive organs. For better hormonal balance and estrogen metabolism, we also enjoy using herbs that are liver-detoxifying. In terms of the liver and blood flow to the reproductive organs, ovarian cysts are thought to represent a condition of stagnation in the body.

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) 

                             Maca root

Without really having any hormones, maca is a fantastic fertility herb that stimulates the body's production of progesterone and maintains hormonal

We discover that by replenishing the endocrine system, maca improves the function of natural progesterone. It is advised to take 1,000–3,000 mg of maca per day.

black cohosh root 

black cohosh rootsometimes known as Actaea racemosa is a plant that encourages menstrual cycle management. One of the greatest herbs for ovarian pain relief is black cohosh.

Dong Quai root

Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis) is a traditional Chinese herb that helps with hormonal balance and is especially effective for problems with congestive fertility. Dong Quai promotes healthy blood flow to the reproductive organs and eases pain brought on by a number of fertility problems.

Milk thistle seed

Milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum): This plant helps maintain hormonal harmony by assisting the liver. Milk thistle aids in liver regeneration and cleansing. The liver, as we all are aware, aids in the removal of poisons from the body, including extra hormones.

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris including the aerial portions and fruit, has been reported to normalize ovulation when taken before to ovulation. Dr. Aviva Romm, a doctor, midwife, and herbalist, reveals data from a research on 36 women who were not ovulating, revealing that 67% of them experienced normal ovulation after just 2-3 months of continuous use. From day 5 through day 14 of their menstrual cycle, the ladies received 300-400mg every day. 6% of women immediately conceived. Tribulus has additionally been discovered to be a nourishing tonic for the entire female reproductive system, particularly with regard to the ovaries.

Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa): Wild Yam supports a normal menstrual cycle and hormonal balance. A fantastic treatment for ovarian pain relief is wild yam.

Yarrow aerial portions (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow improves circulation to the reproductive organs, which relieves pelvic congestion.

Step 3: Remove and Reduce Cysts

Two natural treatments have consistently been utilized to aid the body in eliminating cysts, shrinking their size, and/or reducing their number. 

Systemic Enzyme Therapy: The body has a number of different enzymes. The numerous processes that keep the body functioning properly require enzymes as catalysts for chemical reactions. Systemic Enzymes, a subclass of enzymes, assist the body in reducing inflammation and breaking down extra foreign tissues. The body may shrink the cysts or eventually get rid of them with the use of a high-quality systemic enzyme supplement like Fertilica Choice Enzymes.

Castor Oil Packs: Castor Oil Packs are an age-old treatment that aid to purify and heal the area of the body where they are applied. Castor oil has a pulling ability that aids in the body's removal of extra tissues and poisons. The lymphatic and circulatory systems are stimulated by castor oil packs. Toxins and waste are removed from the area where the pack is applied by the lymphatic system. A castor oil pack also improves circulation, which aids in bringing new, nutrient-rich blood to the reproductive organs, including the ovaries. This is an essential step in assisting the body in reducing and eliminating ovarian cysts. Applying during menstruation is not advised.

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